Andie Anderson was sunbathing on the pool when she heard the doorbell. Two yard maintenance of us have been offering their corporations. They’d outbid the rivals. Andie invited them in for a quote. Ace Bigs and Dickdealer Don have been inspecting the yard nevertheless saved getting distracted and have been inspecting Andie as an alternative. These massive tits, that huge ass. Their quote was $1500, they really wanted the job. Andie requested if they might lower the value. They misspoke. They wanted to provide $1000. Andie flashed her tits at them. Would possibly they work with that? The value dropped to 0 immediately and so they’d moreover oil her ass freed from cost. The Oiling led to a double blowjob. The blowjob led to fucking. And the fucking led to a cumshot with every guys cuming into her face and mouth.
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