We pulled up on Thea as she was jogging. I requested her why she was even working, set off she was already so skinny. All we might even see was her nipples bursting out of her tank excessive. I supplied her 5 hundred to point us her tits and she or he was proper all the way down to make a bit of money on such a straightforward job. Then we put up one different thousand to get her naked. As quickly as she rotated Tony pulled his dick out and commenced stroking it. Thea observed him and easily continued on alongside along with her dialog. I wanted to ask if she was not going to say one thing about his dick. She replied she wanted to the contact it. By us for a loop, on account of she went there. Then she politely requested Tony if she could suck it. Tony talked about yeah and she or he gave him the wettest head I ever seen, blowing bubble on his dick. Tony suggested her they might as properly fuck at this degree. So Tony confirmed her the outdated man nonetheless purchased it, as he pounded her tight teen pussy. We found her working, nonetheless Tony was fucking like he was attempting to change her stroll. After cumming all through her face, we dropped her off and acquired some lunch.
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