I completed by my buddy’s residence nevertheless he wasn’t dwelling. Lucky for me, his scorching mom Alexis Fawx was and points took a flip for among the best. She invited me in to attend for my buddy to return. Alexis was doing laundry and I noticed her panties on the bottom. Flirting, I let her know that I’d wish to see them on her. Alexis was all for it! She stripped down and put them on for me. Then she demanded I drop my pants and whip out my cock so she could devour it in her mouth after which slip it in her moist MILF pussy. As she was driving my dick in the midst of the day, with that up to date laundry scent lingering inside the air, I was merely contemplating to myself, “I’m really having intercourse with my buddy’s mom, and it’s HOT!” That’s one naughty fantasy that may NEVER go away!
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